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If you're looking for a custom made ice hockey goaltender helmet or goalie mask, then you have come to the right place.

KelCon Goalie Mask
Pro-Style Protection

KelCon Composites


Our helmets are constructed from kevlar and fiberglass making a very light and durable goalie helmet. Our helmets come with a customizable rubatex foam liner and stainless steel cat's eye cage. Square hole cages are also available. 

Tests have shown our goal mask will stand up to pucks shot at 100mph, see high impact link above.

If you like hockey and happen to be the target in front of the net, you want a goalie helmet that is light, strong and comfortable.  At KelCon Composites, that's our goal.

It began with one goaltender looking for a pro-style helmet that would stand up to the pucks being shot at him without causing damage to himself or to the mask. After much research, he decided to take it into his own hands and design a mask that he would feel comfortable wearing in goal.  It didn't take long for people to start asking "where did you get your mask" and "would you make me one?"  Thus started KelCon Composites.

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